Meet Nancy!

Nancy M. Schwartz, Author of the duology Up Not Down Syndrome & Up Bow Down Bow, is an educator and mother, navigating the blessings and challenges of raising Alex, her son with Trisomy 21.

Learn more about her life, story, and experiences while writing her books and raising a family.

See our upcoming book launch & signing

@Main Point Books

Feb. 11th. 2024!

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“Every section of the book recounts a mighty beam of hope, a learning note, an endless bounty of support, and an unquivering faith to embrace the unknown.”

– Quotidian Tales, Up Bow Down Bow

“This story turns broken into whole, tragedy into joy, and opti­mism into hope. Nancy is an inspiration for all parents struggling with a child with challenges.”

Debby Elnatan, Up Not Down Syndrome

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